Complaint and Appeal Procedure


Universal Certification and Services FZE (UCS) is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and service in our ISO certification activities. We recognize that complaints and appeals may arise from our clients or stakeholders, and we value feedback as an opportunity for continuous improvement. This Procedure outlines the procedure for submitting, processing, and resolving complaints and appeals related to our ISO certification services.

1. Submission of Complaint

Complaints can be submitted through the designated email address: The complainant should provide details such as their contact information, nature of the complaint, and any relevant supporting documentation.

Table of Contents

2. Receipt and Acknowledgment

The marketing specialist responsible for complaint handling will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within one business day. This acknowledgment will include information about the expected timeline for review and resolution (2 days for review and 14 days for resolution).

3. Complaint Review

The complaint will be reviewed by the administrative team within two business days. The review will involve assessing the validity of the complaint and its alignment with certification activates.

4. Investigation and Resolution

If the complaint is found to be valid and within the scope of UCS certification activities, the following steps will occur:

a. Investigation: The administrative team will gather additional information and evidence related to the complaint.

b. Analysis: The administrative team will analyze the complaint to identify its root cause and determine appropriate corrective actions.

c. Resolution Proposal: Based on the investigation and analysis, a proposed resolution will be formulated.

5. Approval by General Manager

The proposed resolution will be submitted to the general manager for approval within two business days of the completion of the investigation and analysis.

6. Communication of Resolution

Once the resolution is approved by the general manager, the marketing specialist will communicate the resolution to the complainant. The communication will include details about the resolution, any corrective actions taken, and an estimated timeline for implementation.

7. Implementation and Follow-Up

The organization will implement the proposed resolution and any necessary corrective actions within the specified timeline (14 days). Progress will be monitored to ensure timely completion.

8. Closure of Complaint

Upon successful implementation of the resolution, the complaint will be considered resolved. The marketing specialist will notify the complainant of the closure and seek confirmation of their satisfaction with the resolution.

9. Documentation and Record Keeping

All details related to the complaint, investigation, resolution, and communication will be documented and maintained as part of the organization’s records. This documentation will be used for monitoring, review, and continuous improvement.

10. Continuous Improvement

Feedback and lessons learned from complaints will be used to identify opportunities for process improvements and enhance the organization’s services.

11. Review and Update

The complaint process will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure its effectiveness, alignment with organizational needs, and compliance with ISO standards.

Appeal Process

Where the complainant disagrees with the decisions of stage one (re-evaluation) and stage two (complaint), then they may proceed to stage three and file an appeal explaining the reasons for disapproval.

  1. Introduction:The appeal process is designed to provide a structured and impartial mechanism for addressing appeals related to certification activities conducted by UCSI ISO. This process aligns with the requirements outlined in ISO 17021-1.
  2. Scope:This appeal process covers appeals received from clients, applicants, or other relevant parties directly related to audit and certification activities performed by UCSI ISO.
  3. Definitions:

Appellant: The party submitting an appeal.

Appeal: A formal request for review of a decision or outcome related to UCS audit or certification activities.

  1. Appeal Submission:Appeals can be submitted through various channels, including email ( or postal mail. The appellant should provide their contact details, the nature of the appeal, and any supporting documentation relevant to the appeal.
  2. Appeal Handling:
  3. Receipt and Acknowledgment:– Upon receiving an appeal, the designated personnel will acknowledge receipt to the appellant within one business day. – The acknowledgment will include information about the appeal process and the expected timeline.
  4. Initial Assessment:– The designated personnel will assess the appeal’s validity and determine if it falls within UCSI ISO’s scope of activities. – If the appeal is not within scope, the appellant will be notified with an explanation.
  5. Investigation:– A designated appeal handler will be assigned to investigate the appeal. This handler should not have been involved in the initial audit or decision-making related to the appeal. – The appeal handler will gather additional information and evidence relevant to the appeal.

Note: The appeal handler will be an external party, such as a technical expert to external auditor.

  1. Review Panel and Decision:– A review panel will be convened, comprising individuals not previously involved in the appeal or decision being appealed. – The review panel will review the appeal, investigation findings, and relevant documentation. – The review panel will make a decision based on a thorough and impartial evaluation.
  2. Communication of Decision:– The appeal handler will communicate the review panel’s decision to the appellant in writing. – The communication will provide clear reasons for the decision and any corrective actions or measures determined.
  3. Implementation and Follow-up:– If corrective actions are required based on the decision, UCSI ISO will implement them within the specified timeframe. – Progress will be monitored to ensure timely completion.
  4. Communication:Throughout the process, UCSI ISO will maintain open and transparent communication with the appellant, providing updates on the status of the appeal and the final decision.
  5. Documentation and Record Keeping:All appeal-related documents, including the appeal itself, investigation findings, review panel decisions, communications, and corrective actions taken, will be documented and retained as part of the organization’s records.
  6. Confidentiality:All appeal-related information will be treated with confidentiality and handled in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.
  7. Continuous Improvement:Feedback and lessons learned from appeals will be utilized to identify opportunities for process improvements and enhance the quality of UCSI ISO’s services.
  8. Review and Update:The appeal process will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure its effectiveness, alignment with ISO standards, and relevance to the organization’s evolving needs.
  9.  Continuous Improvement: Insights gained from complaints and appeals will be analyzed as part of our continuous improvement efforts to enhance the quality and effectiveness of our ISO certification activities.
  10. Record Keeping: All complaints and appeals, along with their resolutions, will be documented and retained in a secure manner for a minimum of three years.
  11. Communication: This Complaint and Appeal Procedure will be made available on our website and provided to all clients upon request.

By implementing this Procedure, Universal Certification and Services FZE aims to address complaints and appeals promptly, fairly, and transparently, contributing to the enhancement of our ISO certification services and overall customer satisfaction.

Certified Management System Auditor

This online training course helps you to understand the key elements to implement and manage internal auditing as specified in ISO 19011 standard so that your organization can gain check its performance and improve its management system.

I have taught internal audit courses in person to hundreds of internal auditors and other interested professionals and I would finally like to share this with you as well online. The course covers all areas in which you need to be proficient through light lectures and practices.

This course has helped many people improve their knowledge and experience in auditing their organization management system and to develop their carriers.

It will assist you in comprehending the role of internal audit functions in a business as well as the profession’s principles and standards. It will show you how to apply fundamental principles like objectivity and independence. You will learn how to maintain a good reputation by adhering to the code of ethics and demonstrating due professional care and proficiency.

It will help you determine whether your reporting lines are acceptable and how to enhance your department through quality assurance if you run an internal audit team or want to be prepared for when you do. You’ll learn about the critical areas of governance, risk management, and internal controls, which are where auditors spend the majority of their time.

Most importantly, it aims to help you ‘think’ like an internal auditor.

ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Internal Auditor Course

This online training course helps you to understand the key elements to implement and manage ISMS (information security management system) as specified in ISO/IEC 27001:2013 standard so that your organization can gain more customer satisfaction, enhance its performance & security.

You will gain deeper understanding of the ISO/IEC 27001:2013 terms, definitions and structure, so that you will be able to apply its concepts and principles to your existing organization.

Consolidate your experience with the latest innovations and help your company to grow continuously.

This course is ideal for anyone in need to understand, plan, implement or maintain an organization’s ISO/IEC 27001:2013 ISMS.

Use the internationally recognized ISO/IEC 27001:2013 to enhance your auditing skills, as the effectiveness of an audit will have a significant impact on the regulatory compliance and customer satisfaction.

Gain your customers’ trust by planning and executing and efficient audit and monitor and take corrective actions where appropriate.


In this course we will learn.

  • The requirements of ISO/IEC 27001 ISMS
  • Information security controls as per ISO/IEC 27001 ISMS
  • Internal audit process and practice
  • Information security principles and concepts
  • How to obtain ISO/IEC 27001 certification
  • How to implement ISO/IEC 27001 requirements

ISO 45001:2018 Internal Auditor Course

This course is a complete guideline on how to understand, implement, audit and improve the Occupational Health and Safety Management System as per the ISO 45001:2018 standard. Also, this course will provide details on how to create an audit program, audit plan, audit checklist, non-conformity report and audit report.

This 90-minutes course will take you through the ISO 45001:2018 requirements and the process of auditing by real examples and practical methods. This course will increase your skills and knowledge in safety management and help you develop your career path.

The instructor will show you how each document will be created and used by discussing real life examples.

At the end of the course, you will be able to create your own checklist and audit documents to start your auditing and implement the ISO 45001:2018 standard requirements. Also, you will be able to audit the organization’s safety process and procedure against the ISO 45001:2018 requirements and improve the system.

ISO 21001:2018 Internal Auditor Course

This course is a complete guideline on how to read the ISO 21001:2018 standard and understand its requirement and how to implement it then how to create an audit checklist and the audit process from the audit plan to the NC report.

This 2-hour course will take you through the process of auditing by real examples and practical way.

The instructor will show how each document will be create and show how to use it.

At the end of the course, you will be able to create your own checklist and audit documents to start your auditing and implementing the ISO 21001:2018 standard requirement. Also, you will be able to audit the organization safety process and procedure against the ISO 21001:2018 requirements and improve the system.


Course Outcomes:


  1. You will become a certified EOMS Internal Auditor.
  2. You will be able to lead ISO 21001:2018 internal audits for the educational organizations.
  3. You will be able to identify the areas for improvement in the educational organizations.
  4. You can combine the new knowledge with your experience to transform the educational organizations worldwide.

ISO 14001:2015 Internal Auditor Course

This course is a complete guideline on how to read the ISO 14001:2015 standard and understand its requirement and how to implement it then how to create an audit checklist and the audit process from the audit plan to the NC report.

This course will take you through the process of auditing by real examples and practical way.

The instructor will show how each document will be create and show how to use it.

At the end of the course, you will be able to create your own checklist and audit documents to start your auditing and implementing the ISO 14001:2015 standard requirement. Also, you will be able to audit the organization safety process and procedure against the ISO 14001:2015 requirements and improve the system.

ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor Course

This online/live training course helps you to understand the key elements to implement and manage a QMS (quality management system) as specified in ISO 9001:2015 standard so that your organization can gain more customer satisfaction and enhance its performance.

You will gain deeper understanding of the ISO 9001:2015 terms, definitions and structure, so that you will be able to apply its concepts and principles to your existing organization ;

Consolidate your experience with the latest innovations and help your company to grow continuously.

This course is ideal for anyone in need to understand, plan, implement or maintain an organization’s ISO 9001:2015 QMS.

Use the internationally recognized ISO 9001:2015 to enhance your auditing skills, as the effectiveness of an audit will have a significant impact on the regulatory compliance and customer satisfaction.

Gain your customers’ trust by planning and executing and efficient audit, and monitor and take corrective actions where appropriate.


In this course you will learn how to:

  • Identify the purpose and benefits of a QMS.
  • Understand the operations of a QMS based on ISO 9001:2015 standard.
  • Increase your employees’, customers’ and stakeholders’ trust and loyalty.
  • Provide the highest quality to your customers.
  • Initiate, plan and conduct an audit.
  • Prepare and distribute audit reports.
  • Apply the ISO 9001:2015 requirements and benefits.
  • Evaluate an organization’s ability to handle its QMS.
  • Write accurate audit reports and suggest corrective actions.